About Us

Rally Raid Central is founded by Jatin Jain who is an experienced professional & well known in off-road racing landscape of India. Jatin still races in the private expert class in the Foreign Group A class in India & aspires to represent India at the Dakar 2025 as the first successfull privateer.
What started as an attempt to bring the best in class to the riders in India and expose to them, the highest quality of riding gears available all throughout the world at best prices, has now transformed into a full fledged shopping destination. Be it circuit racing or off-road, we take care of all your riding needs!
Why choose us?

10+ years of presence - we have seen it all and survived it all. We will guide and support you till the end.

Competitive Advantage
We have meticulously built our supply chain over the years, allowing us to offer the best quality and range at the most competitive pricing.

We understand, as represented by a rider himself, the industry, the needs and the challenges. No one brings the same knowledge